Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Olivera Egg Ranch and NuCal Foods donate over 100,000 eggs to Second Harvest

Staff members Christina and Rosanna with Eddie Olivera
With spring blossoming all around, Second Harvest Food Bank welcomed two bountiful egg donations this week.

Today we received a donation of over 84,000 eggs from NuCal Foods, and yesterday Olivera Egg Ranch of San Jose dropped off over 34,000! That's 14 pallets of eggs that will go right out to all of our direct service programs that feed mostly seniors and families with children.

One of our staff nutritionists, Alan Roth, explained that eggs are considered highly nutritious and an excellent protein source, coveted by our clients.

Eggs are one of the most expensive items we buy, and with these donations from Olivera and NuCal, our purchasing department will be able to allocate the money saved towards other foods - and ultimately feed more people.
NuCal Drops off 10 pallets of eggs!